Articles with medical or medical-technical content
During the time in which I was working in the medical measurement field I wrote some scientific articles which I want to provide.
Lectures at FOSSLC (Free and Open Software Learning Center) Workshops
In the second part of the C++ boot camp the focus was the creation of applications with the Qt-Library. The idea was to create a small project to understand the basic ideas of Qt … more
LaTeX is a brilliant typesetting system for every kind of texts but especially suitable for scientific work and Batchelor-, Masters- and PhD-thesis. Unfourtunately the principle to write the text with the formatting commands as simple text and compile it for the formatted result only intuitive for programmers. This workshop gives an introduction and delivers the most important templates for any student. … more
Hallo Ralf, bin durch Zufall auf Deine Seite gelangt und habe festgestellt, auch Deine Haare werden immer weniger – hi. Für die restlichen 1 1/2 Osterfeiertage noch alles Gute und vielleicht sieht man sich mal wieder.
73´Herbert, neues QTH seit 2007 NEC